We are big supporters of changing the game for child mental health in New Zealand. Which is why Quadrent’s Annual Charity Golf Days are in support of the Sir John Kirwan Foundation and their Mitey approach, as our CEO Martyn Masterson explains in this video during our 2022 event.
With the support of our partners and customers, we have raised $339,000 for the Sir John Kirwan Foundation to help expand their Mitey approach into more primary schools and build a new future for child mental health in New Zealand.
In 2025, our golf day was held on Thursday 13th March, at the Titirangi Golf Club, in Auckland, New Zealand. For any further information on our next event in 2026, please contact Quadrent’s Head of Marketing, Marty Jaynes at marty.jaynes@quadrent.co.nz or 027 298 2160.
One in five New Zealanders will experience mental health issues before they turn 18. Even those who are otherwise happy, will need skills and knowledge to successfully deal with pressures related to peers, family, relationships and their place in the world.
John Kirwan established the Foundation to equip primary and intermediate students with the knowledge and tools to safeguard and nurture their own mental wellbeing and help others do the same.
Alongside leading experts, we are developing a mental health education programme to ensure schools have the resources and support to teach their students about mental wellness.
Quadrent was started in 2002 with an intent to make a difference. Not only did they want to make a real difference in the world of equipment finance, but they also wanted to improve the lives of clients and employees.
The Annual Golf Charity day is just one of the ways that Quadrent enacts our values in a tangible way. Over the last 9 years, we have raised $473,00 and that is just the beginning.