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Relevant Information on Demand

Businesses have vast amounts of data, stored across multiple locations, this means that critical insights that can improve lease portfolio performance are unable to be analysed. This lack of control leads to risk.

Our Lease Portfolio Analytics feature in our Portfolio Optimisation Platform collates all your LOIS data with all other relevant leasing data in one central location. This allows you to analyse and control your entire portfolio through easily digestible and interactive dashboards, customised to the information you and all your stakeholders need to know.

Portfolio Optimisation Portal Monitor

Analyse Portfolio Performance With:

  • Seamless data transfer from other vendor systems.
  • Asset data filtered by category to ensure it is presented consistently to aid better comparisons and benchmarking of similar assets, to achieve better pricing.
  • Automated reports for the different functions pulled from a centralised database, that are updated and sent to stakeholders automatically each month, reducing ad-hoc reporting requirements from various sources.
  • The ability to accurately benchmark your IBR to understand its true commercial impact on your balance sheet, creating a huge competitive advantage.
Incremental Borrowing Rate FAQs
LOIS features customisable templates - green tick, white background

Move from reactive to proactive
Don’t react to what issues are in front of you, use these data led insights to make informed decisions to best optimise your lease portfolio. See which leases are coming up for renewal and ensure you never allow them to auto-renew without a review.

Reduce the costs to your business
Get a high level overview of your lease portfolio costs and activities to see where you can drive more effective ways of leasing. Compare asset class and SQM costs, across different lease providers and locations.

Centralised for all stakeholders
Establish cross-functional confidence with consistent centralised data and reporting, with dashboards configured and relevant for each functional unit. Now actions inputed by the property team can be processed by finance in real-time.

Additionally, find out how our lease accounting software, LOIS, can unlock valuable, actionable insights from within your lease portfolio.

Learn More About LOIS

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