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Hybrid Learning is the Future

What are the advantages of continuing hybrid learning plans even after the COVID-19 pandemic? Discover the potential here...

If COVID-19 taught schools, teachers, parents, and students anything, it’s the fast pace at which people sometimes must adapt. Schools have done a great job addressing the challenges posed by restrictions and lockdowns through moving school online and into the home. In the initial stages, some schools, parents and students may have struggled with accessing and establishing the right infrastructure to ensure the learning journey continued smoothly. Almost two years into it now, schools, parents, teachers, and students have struck a balance with hybrid learning likely to become a hallmark feature of future learning.

Advantages of Hybrid Learning

Much like hybrid workplace events and professional development courses, many students say they would enjoy a hybrid learning experience in the future. This experience would include classroom learning along with time learning from home. The balance of this time between home and the classroom differs based on the student. For those schools in areas of Australia such as Victoria and New South Wales, where school closures have been commonplace throughout 2020 and 2021, it’s a useful prompt to understand what is and isn’t working for your stakeholders, especially your students.


On the financial front, reviewing your learning environments can help those tasked with financial management and governance to identify new opportunities to strengthen your school’s finances. For example, a move to a more permanent hybrid learning and working environment could reduce the building space and land that your school requires. Building space and land made available can then be transformed for other uses to generate further income for the school.

Establishing a Hybrid Learning Plan

As schools move into 2022, now is an opportune time to reach out to teachers, parents, students, and your school’s leadership to understand what has and hasn’t worked when it comes to classroom and home schooling. Not only is this a valuable way to connect with and demonstrate care for your community, but it will also provide you with meaningful feedback to ensure positive student outcomes and a consistently strong financial position for your organisation.

We can help to reduce the financial and administrative burden of keeping your technology consistently updated to meet today’s ever-evolving education needs. Our finance solutions help schools to provide adaptive and productive learning environments. Click here to learn more.

Learn More About What Your School can do to Meet Parent's Expectations

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