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Five ways leasing can support company growth during a recession

In 2022, markets worldwide turned bearish, with indexes such as the S&P500 declining over 20 per cent from previous ...

How LOIS Can Make IFRS 16 Quick, Painless, and Strategic at Year-End

LOIS lease accounting software could be highly applicable and beneficial for several reasons as discussed in our latest ...

Did you know that leasing models can reduce your school’s total cost of ownership?

It is a fine balance between meeting the educational needs of our tamariki and managing your school's finances. Having ...

Five Key Strategies for Efficient IFRS 16 Management

In the complex terrain of financial reporting, IFRS 16 looms as a formidable challenge that organisations must navigate ...

How to Make IFRS 16 Quick, Painless and Strategic at Year-End

In the evolving landscape of financial compliance, the implementation of the accounting standard IFRS 16 represented a ...

Quadrent Supports Allens in Its Commitment to Sustainability

Quadrent are excited to announce the signing of our first Quadrent Green Lease agreement in Australia with Allens, one ...

Quadrent's Pioneering Efforts in Bridging the Digital Gap: A Spotlight on Radio Features

In a world increasingly dependent on digital technologies, the digital divide has become a pressing concern. ...

How to Make Your Life Easier in 2024 and Manage Your Audit Process

Unfortunately for all large corporates, financial audits are a necessary evil. There are lots of articles about ...

Our Top 5 Blogs of 2023

As we reflect on the dynamic landscape of finance and asset management, we'd like to share with you our "Top 5 Blogs of ...

NZ Corporates Commit to Giving Hundreds of NZ Students Better Access to Tech

18 months on from launch, an innovative partnership by leasing specialists Quadrent and BNZ, the Quadrent Green Lease ...

How Do Leasing Companies Make Money?

No matter what financial or lending product an organisation chooses, a fee or cost will be involved. Whether it’s for ...

How to Successfully Optimise Your Balance Sheet

Effective financial management becomes increasingly important in an environment of rising interest rates and inflation. ...