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IFRS 16 Accounting considerations and COVID19

In a world of constant change due to COVID-19, the IASB released an update on 10 April 2020 on how to consider changes ...

Leasing during times of economic volatility

With the volatility created by the COVID-19 pandemic, all businesses are focused on supporting the health and wellbeing ...

Spreadsheets Vs. Software – evaluating the best approach for IFRS 16

It is often our experience that C level executives consider IFRS 16 / AASB 16 solely a compliance exercise and as such ...

Non- Traditional Lending

There are many reasons why organisations may choose to lease equipment rather than purchasing outright (using capex). ...

Quadrent launches LOISlite

As the only equipment financier in Australasia assisting clients with IFRS 16 accounting compliance and offering the ...

Spreadsheets are great…just not for IFRS 16!

In the world of accounting, a spreadsheet is like a family member – something to rely on, something to trust, something ...

Leasing - Why would you own it?

We often get asked - why would we lease? Especially from large Corporates who argue cheap debt is one their perks. The ...

Quadrent has a new website!

Quadrent has been operating for almost two decades in Australasia, striving to become the regions most trusted ...

Meet LOIS at the 2018 CPA Congress

LOIS and Quadrent are an official Keynote Sponsor at the CPA Congress this October in Auckland and Melbourne.

Over 100 Leases - You need a system

If you have over 100 leases the experts are saying that you will need a leasing system for compliance to IFRS when ...

All About LOIS

Check out the new look and feel of our relaunched our LOIS website!

That's right, we lease wine barrels too...

60% of the equipment we lease is IT related, but you may be surprised at some of the assets in the other 40%, like wine ...