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SA Government Financing Authority Signs Quadrent LOIS Lease Accounting

Quadrent, providers of the LOIS SaaS lease accounting platform, are pleased to announce that the government entity, ...

Quadrent signs LOIS lease accounting agreement with Oceania

Quadrent, providers of the LOIS SaaS lease accounting platform, is proud to announce that Oceania have signed and are ...

Meet LOIS at the 2018 CPA Congress

LOIS and Quadrent are an official Keynote Sponsor at the CPA Congress this October in Auckland and Melbourne.

Over 100 Leases - You need a system

If you have over 100 leases the experts are saying that you will need a leasing system for compliance to IFRS when ...

Will IFRS 16 change the lease decision?

Will the change in accounting under IFRS 16 change the way management view the decision to lease or buy and is there ...

All About LOIS

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