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What to Consider When Evaluating Manufacturer-Branded Leasing Solutions

Technology manufacturers sometimes offer their own leasing solutions to schools. These are often structured around their specific brand of hardware, which may limit flexibility in terms of brand and product choice for schools. It’s important to carefully review these agreements to ensure they meet the long-term needs of your school.

While these manufacturer-branded leases may initially appear cost-effective, there are several aspects worth considering to understand the full scope of what you're committing to. Below, we’ll explore some features commonly associated with these solutions, and how Quadrent offers a distinct, more flexible solution.

Apparent Cost Savings

At first glance, manufacturer leasing solutions may offer seemingly low monthly payments, but it's crucial to understand how these costs are calculated. For example, many vendors build in higher assumptions about the residual value of what the equipment will be worth at the end of the lease. While this might reduce your upfront costs, it can lead to additional unbudgeted costs at the end of the lease. Make sure you ask what the cost would be if you can’t return equipment if it’s damaged.

In contrast, Quadrent provides transparent terms and conditions and pricing, without relying on high-risk residual value assumptions, ensuring you get a fair deal throughout the entire lease term.

White Label Leasing Solutions

Often with manufacturer-branded technology leasing solutions it appears you’re leasing directly with the manufacturer, but in fact you are dealing with a third-party finance provider under an agreement to use their brand name, meaning they can only lease you that particular brand.

Quadrent, however, focuses on giving schools full choice over the brand and supplier they prefer. This ensures you’re getting the right technology for your needs at a price that reflects its true value.

Flexibility in Asset Types

Manufacturer leasing solutions are naturally aligned with their specific product lines. If your school wants to lease a mix of IT and non-IT assets or switch to different brands, this can be difficult or even impossible under a manufacturer’s agreement.

Quadrent offers leases across all technology brands and can accommodate non-IT assets, giving schools the freedom to adapt to their changing needs.

Local Knowledge and Support

Some global manufacturer lease providers rely on offshore teams, which may lack the necessary understanding of the New Zealand education market. This can lead to delays, less personalised service, and a limited ability to meet the unique needs of local schools.

Quadrent, being 100% New Zealand owned with over 20 years of experience, has dedicated education specialists with local knowledge. We support over 700 schools across New Zealand and understand the unique challenges schools face. As a sponsor of the SPANZ and SBM conferences, we are actively involved in the education sector, demonstrating our long-term commitment to supporting schools.

End-of-Lease Flexibility

End-of-lease terms can significantly impact the overall value of a leasing agreement. Manufacturer leases often come with strict conditions, including the aggressive use of interim charges and manipulation of dates. This can unintentionally extend the term of your lease without you realising it, resulting in unexpected costs. Additionally, some manufacturers require you to give notice within a narrow timeframe and manage the return of equipment yourself, which can be cumbersome and costly if not executed perfectly.

Quadrent takes a customer-first approach to the end-of-lease process, ensuring transparency and flexibility. We communicate with our customers multiple times as the lease term approaches its end, ensuring you have ample reminders about your options. We won’t automatically roll over your contract—there’s no holdover clause—and we assume that equipment will be returned without requiring formal notice.

When it comes to returning equipment, Quadrent offers a fair, like-for-like returns policy, understanding that normal wear and tear is expected. We also don’t require you to return the equipment to onerous locations, making the process as smooth as possible.

Clear and Relevant Terms and Conditions

One of the challenges with manufacturer-branded leasing solutions is that the terms and conditions are often drafted from a global legal perspective. This can lead to complex, one-size-fits-all agreements that may not address the specific needs or regulatory requirements of New Zealand schools. Navigating these global terms can be time-consuming and may not always serve the best interests of your school.

At Quadrent, we provide terms and conditions that are specifically written for New Zealand schools and kura. Our agreements are clear, straightforward, and designed to be easily understood, ensuring that you know exactly what you’re committing to. We aim to make the leasing process as transparent and hassle-free as possible.

Commitment to Sustainability and Digital Inclusion

Quadrent’s leasing solutions also emphasise sustainability, helping to prevent e-waste by refurbishing and donating technology where possible. We are the only B Corp certified technology leasing company in New Zealand, and we actively support digital inclusion initiatives to help our tamariki and rangatahi access the tools they need for education.

To learn more about how Quadrent can support your school with flexible, sustainable technology leasing, visit www.quadrent.co.nz/education, contact our education team at education@quadrent.co.nz, or reach out to your preferred supplier about leasing with Quadrent.