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Lease accounting and property management information stored, managed, and accessed through a single, integrated system.

Our Property Management feature in our Portfolio Optimisation Platform integrates all your relevant property leasing data with your LOIS lease accounting data to create one single source of reporting. This enables changes made to property information (e.g., lease event notifications) to automatically reflect in LOIS, ensuring consistency, eliminating duplicate entries, and minimising the risk of discrepancies and data double entry.

Make Sure Your Property Team Never Miss a Milestone

  • Portfolio timelines to see what’s coming up and when, monitor new lease additions and modifications, as well as set up notifications for rent reviews and expiries.
  • Track upcoming contractual and operational lease events.
  • Compare property costs, including the ability to upload and track all outgoings (e.g. insurance, electricity and maintenance) with detailed SQM comparisons.
  • Group multiple leases and outgoings into a unified site or location view.
  • Single lease view of all key information fields in an easy to view and edit format.
Calendar Desktop

Having all lease-related data in one place ensures that the information used for accounting and property management is consistent, reducing the risk of errors.

Property Management Overview

Enhanced Accounting Accuracy for Your Finance Team

  • One source of data from asset classes back to finance and vice versa for cross-functional review.
  • Aggregate overview of all modifications, new leases, expired leases customised by reporting periods across regions and countries, enabling strong internal control and reporting.
  • Elimination of additional data queries as information is available in an easy to use format for other stakeholders.

Features Include:

  • Simple, easy to understand timeline of lease events to enable proactive management of leases.

  • Various views, dashboards and maps with detailed drill down.

  • Easy to understand lease portfolio value overviews, in real-time and with forward forecasts, including drill down ability.

Get in touch today to find out more.

Additionally, find out how our lease accounting software, LOIS, can unlock valuable, actionable insights from within your lease portfolio.

Learn More About LOIS

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