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At Quadrent we are committed to making a difference.

Our goal is a simple one – to help create a better future for coming generations - one which is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. We are particularly committed to causes that have a lasting impact on our youth because they often can’t articulate or access the help they need and because, they are our future.

We see education as the agent of change at the core of our social focus because it is proven to engender the greatest levels of personal empowerment, growth, and inclusion. Our hope is that a positive difference made in one life today compounds in its effect on all generations that follow them.

Quadrent - Covert Theatre thumbnail

Our commitment to our community addresses two important and broad arenas, aligned with the 3rd and 4th UN Sustainable Development Goals

Mental Health and Well Being

Our young people face unprecedented levels of change every day. With this comes pressure, anxiety and worry all at a time when they are trying to develop a sense of identity and independence for themselves and the world around them. We have the second worst youth suicide rate in the developed world, more than twice the average in the OECD.

We have an obligation and opportunity to do a much better job looking after our vulnerable young people. The Covid pandemic has certainly not helped us.

Confidence is the single most important human attribute linked to success because it feeds a willingness to understand, a desire to challenge and the resilience to overcome. Self-acceptance and positive relationships are crucial to creating the pathways needed for a self-confident generation.

Our initiatives in this arena are designed to support the provision of tools, skills, training, and basic sustenance delivered inside a safe environment that enables our young to become both more self-aware and self confident.

Digital Equity and Learning

Technology has radically transformed education, creating a fantastic array of learning options for those with access to it. The sad reality, however, is that there is a vast digital divide for many who don’t yet have access to technology and that excludes them from being able to participate.

Being a lessor of large amounts of technology means that we are uniquely placed to help close this gap and make a life changing difference to some. Our unique Green Lease products ensure that our end of lease devices are always centrally and securely returned to us and are managed inside our assured sustainability hierarchy.

Our social ambitions are then focussed on creating opportunities inside our own business and magnifying their impact through partnerships with our vendors, customers and service providers. We believe this will deliver much higher levels of the quality connected technologies needed by those who don’t have access to it today.

Our simple objective is to help close the technology gap sustainably.

Our initiatives in this arena focus creating a more equal, inclusive and productive future while also reinforcing and promoting the circular economy.

To date our initiatives have included:

  • CureKids - help save, extend and improve the lives of children diagnosed with serious life-impacting and life-limiting health conditions. From 2016 – 2018, we raised nearly $100,000 through our annual charity golf day.

  • KidsCan - is dedicated to helping kids affected by poverty by providing food, jackets, shoes and health products to schools and early childhood centres. In 2019, we raised over $30,000 through our annual charity golf day.

  • Sir John Kirwan Foundation – provides young people with the skills and knowledge to recognise and respond to mental health issues both in themselves and others. From 2020-2024, we have raised $250,000 through our annual charity golf day. 

  • Covert Theatre coverttheatre.com, is about creating a safe, fun environment in which people can feel connected. The theatre combines the art of improvisation with positive psychology to teach kids resilience so they can handle adversity, develop communication skills and creative thinking. In 2020, we became key Partner of the theatre and have provided $75,000 in funding towards the fit out of the theatre.

  • Improv Playground – In conjunction with Wade Jackson founder of the Covert Theatre and the Sir John Kirwan Foundation we have facilitated a specially created course called the Improv Playground. This will be taught through the Mitey coaching program providing the life skills every child needs to learn, communicate and participate while playing. This is planned for roll out in 2022.
  • In 2019 we worked with a NSW school with the provision of IT equipment and funding that contributed toward a disadvantaged school community in Cambodia.

  • In 2020, we partnered with the Christian Education Network and Renew IT, to donate $20,000 worth of refurbished laptops to several disadvantaged students in regional Australia in order to provide the best learning environment possible and make a positive difference in their lives during Covid.

  • In 2021 we provided the Mitey coaches with over $15,000 worth of technology to help them stay connected and run their coaching courses in junior schools across New Zealand focusing on Mental Health Education for year 1 to 8. The goal in the next 12 months is to teach and benefit over 25,000 kids nationally.

  • Access to the digital world is now a basic necessity – just like water, food, heat and shelter. In 2022 we launched a digital inclusion program aimed at addressing young Australians and New Zealanders that are digitally excluded. This program plans to enable our large scale Corporate and Government customers to contribute a portion of devices as they come off a Quadrent Green Lease. Quadrent will match this contribution creating a considerable pool of high spec, hi quality tech devices that can be repurposed and provided to those in our communities that need it most. Our efforts will be focussed alongside a number of large charitable organisations to help create a much more empowered future for every Kiwi.  

  • Since 2022 we have donated 695 high quality, laptops ($125,000 in value) to Te Wharekura O Arowhenua and Aurora College (Invercargill), Tōnui Collab (Tairāwhiti) for children of flood affected schools of Te Aute College (Central Hawkes Bay) and Hukarere Girls College (Eskdale), and Tangaroa College, Mangere College, Pacific Advanced Secondary School (South Auckland), as well as The Smith Family in Australia.
Social Initiative - BoostPic
All Kids - Cambodia
Golf Day - JK Foundation
Golf Day - Kids Can

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